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Social Media Privacy Policy

Ed’s Great Escape- Privacy Policy for Facebook and all other social media sites utilised from time to timeEd’s Great Escape is a publication/s with copyright ownership vested in the creators, Trevor Hodsdon and Marzena Milowska. Both are committed to protecting and preserving the privacy of Followers, Subscribers, Posters and any person or entity that interacts with them via Facebook or any other social media platforms at any time.

Ed’s Great Escape social media presence is a Public Group existing solely to facilitate promotion and interaction between the creators (jointly or individually) or in the character of Ed (the principal character within the publication/s) and other characters in the book engaging iteratively with any person or entity choosing to interact with them or within the group. The creators do not propose to collect or hold any data from any contacts and users who join the Group. Any specific or subsequent correspondence requiring email or other form of contact will be redirected via our website and the websites’ embedded email facility. Full details of our privacy policy and cookies options upon entering the aforementioned website, are clearly published on the site. By interacting with Ed’s Great Escape social media presence you should be aware that we are all subject to a platforms’ data policies which can usually be found by visiting the relevant Insights and Settings pages. This policy is regularly reviewed and was last updated 0n 2nd February 2020.

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